Want to Fast-track Your Proofreading Success?
Get 1:1 Proofreading Guidance with a Proofreading Tutor
Why You Should Sign Up

Master your proofreading skills faster so you can start earning money faster

Conquer your proofreading course and take clients on with confidence because you went the extra mile with tutoring

Have your questions answered by a proofreading pro so you know you're on the right track

How It Works

Each session is 30 minutes long with a professionally trained Proofread Anywhere tutor.

Each session takes place over Zoom, an easy to use website, so you can see your tutor face-to-face to ask your questions from the comfort of your own home.

Your tutor will work with you on questions and topics you ask about ahead of time and will be prepared to go over practice topics with you so you can get the most out of your session.

You are purchasing: 

GP Tutoring$50

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


  • Total payment
  • 1xGP Tutoring$50

All prices in USD

30-minute tutoring session = $50

If you need more than 30 minutes, please purchase 2 sessions. 

  • What happens after my purchase?
    You'll get an email with exact instructions on setting up your tutoring session. (Please make sure to check your spam and promotions folders if you don't see the email in your main folder).
  • What topics can be discussed in my tutoring session?
    This time is for you to focus on how to be a rockstar proofreader! :-) So all the units you’ve covered up through the essays are available for you to discuss with your tutor.

    Just to be 100% clear, this means your tutor will NOT discuss any marketing questions or exam questions.

    Concentrate your efforts on being awesome at all those tricky grammar rules and refining your proofreading techniques. Your tutor’s expertise in grammar and proofreading will be invaluable when you do take your exam and move on to marketing. Consider these sessions as laying the foundation to being successful. :-) You’ll have plenty of time to focus on marketing after you make it through the essays.
  • Does having a tutor guarantee I will pass the exam?
    No. Hiring a tutor does not guarantee you will pass your exams. While the likelihood definitely increases, it’s no guarantee you will pass. Your tutor will provide you with all the tools necessary to answer your questions and provide quality tutoring time. They will help you get a better grasp of proofreading, which consequently means you should do better on the exams, but we do not guarantee your performance. That’s totally up to you.